SBR Athlete Profiles

Sumari Ross:

Hi my name is Sumari  Ross

I just started with triathlon this year and I'm so excited what lies ahead for me with  this training. I've always have been a swimmer for years but stop when i was in high school. My husband started training in triathlon about 2 years ago and he loved it,after seeing him do it made me also wanted to do triathlon. So now I'm here and ready .for challenge in my life thanx to my amazing husband motivating me to do this so I'm so far so proud of being part of it and can't wait to achieve in my goals. Like the quote we came we saw and we concured ........


Bernice Cannon:

“I work as a gym instructor and love it, but to me fitness is my job  . I felt like I needed my own fitness goal. For the last 3 years I have been standing on the sidelines at the 70.3 as a supporter, feeling total ly  inspired by all the athletes competing. It struck me that there were many shapes and sizes, and varying ages completing this tough race and I started wondering why that couldn’t be me? This was the goal I had been looking for.  I tried, for a year, to get my training going, and was just too scared to get onto the road and cycle, I had heard of far too many injuries, but worst of all, I was doing it by myself. Not to mention actually getting into that deep dark ocean and swimming. Then SBR came along and was the safety net I needed,  I haven’t looked back.  I have a long way to go, but I feel that by the time 25 January 2015 comes along, I will be ready to finally prove to myself that I too can complete this amazing race.  It feels good to know that I will have my entire family on the sidelines supporting me. :)


Lauren Lincoln:


For 10 years, I had not quite fitted into the athlete circle anywhere.  I had suffered burn out physically and emotionally.  So from top race walker I became wanna be athlete loosing ME somewhere in between.  After being declared medically fit after a long road, I still did not quite have the drive to start over until reluctantly I contacted SBR. All I can say is I should have joined from day one. I have found friendships and a new added family. I found ME and look at life so positively.  So now 70.3 will be my I CAN DO! This is Lauren back so watch for the update of my amazing journey with the support of my AWESOME TEAM.


Gaelyn Cokayne:

I have always loved sport, having competed provincially in synchronised swimming and water polo on a senior level while studying. In 2011 a simple surgery had an unexpected outcome, and I was left partially disabled – I have foot drop on my left leg (I can’t lift my foot or ankle at all.) In 2012 I watched my first 70.3 and was completely enthralled. My competitive nature and love of a challenge was ignited and I knew I needed to sign up. My disability makes things extremely challenging, but it also keeps me incredibly motivated - I have a lot to prove to myself. I am ready for every exciting step pf this journey and look forward to crossing that finish line on the 25th January! 


Harley Conlon:

I’ve done 2 70.3’s and a full Ironman – all as a supporter, all as a fan on the sidelines. I’ve watched my brothers, cheered my friends, shouted the names of random athletes as they’ve passed, shared the emotion of watching that one athlete find himself for the first time as he punched the air over the finish line, then another, then another. I’ve seen that finish line from a grandstand, I’ve seen it from behind a race fence – and every time I’ve seen it I’ve known someday I’ll need to cross it, as an athlete. Life began changing the instant I received the email confirming me as an entrant to the 70.3 Buffalo City – the day I decided to become an athlete is as clear as today - a day I’ll never forget. Joining SBR was without doubt the most important decision I have made toward getting to the start line, and yet SBR has been and continues to be so much more than the goal. Triathlon is well known for the “training groups” that form as a collection of like-minded athletes – and in this respect SBR stands out for its level of organization, its motivation for being what it is and the calibre of people that continue to sacrifice and deliver more and more of themselves, so that we as team mates and individual athletes have the best opportunity of being physically, mentally and emotionally prepared for the event. And yet 70.3 is only the event, SBR is the entire experience and the process. Thank you Gords, Juan, Matt, Coach Bob, SBR team mates – it’s been about so much more than the finish line…


Gavin Simoen:

Ironman 70.3, East london......the goal.

After my experience as a supporter at this years ironman I could not believe some of the people crossing the finish line. Against serious adversity, blood sweat and tears, literally, these people were actually crossing the line. Fat, thin, short or tall this sport has no type of person, merely a achievable goal. I turned to my wife and said if they can do it so can we.

I joined up with SBR to get me to the finish line. I certainly couldnt imagine doing it any other way. My journey has begun and I am loving it.


Petra Simoen:

As a first time supporter at the 2014 Ironman I realised that deep down I would love to be called an Ironman but couldn't dare to take that chance because I couldn't swim or ride a bike properly and the thought of doing either scared me.

The overwhelming FEAR of competing in a 70.3 Ironman became an understatement when my Husband confirmed our entrance to the 2015 race. There was no turning back now and I was petrified!

So my personal journey to overcome my FEAR began....

Step 1: Swim
I am 29 and the thought of learning how to swim at my age was extremely daunting.

Step2: Ride a bike
Before my journey to ironman began the last bike I rode was kitted out with training wheels.

Step3: Run
The only thing I could do was run, and by run; I mean no further than a few metres.

I  have no words to express my gratitute to SBR and Gordon for their support.

I am getting a step closer everyday to conquering my fears. Im proud to say that in just 3 months. I can swim over a kilometer; I can ride a bike over 40km with cleats and gears:) and run a few kilometres without stopping.

The fear of failing and been singled out is starting to become a distant memory and replaced with excitement of competing in my very first 70.3 Ironman.......


Mark Lindstrom:

My name is Mark Lindstrom.  I am a 45 year old retired rower of 33 years and am addicted to Lactic Acid.  I have completed a brace of 70.3s but want to go faster.  I joined SBR to get the benefit that Group Training brings to the otherwise individual sport of Triathlon and to learn how to use Whatsapp properly.

I am a cancer survivor, an experience that I believe changed my outlook on life forever.  Nerissa and I have 3 children and are a sporting family  Well they don’t really have a choice.

While I have completed 9 Argus Cycle Tours, Run a marathon last year, rowed in every one of the last 33 Buffalo Regattas and even rowed the surfers, I still see the 70.3, and hopefully Full Ironman too, as great challenges.

See you on the road or in the pool.


Steven Bieske:

For me, triathlon is not about how fast you can go, it's about a personal journey. It's about finding who you really are. It's about finding out how deep you can dig within yourself. It's finding how far your body can go, and then going further. The Ironman race, to me, is not about the race day but the months of preparation getting there. That's what inspires me to this wonderful sport. 


Paul Meecham:


I started doing Tri's 3 years ago with no real direction,basically trained erratically and just showed up on race day and took part

Gordon Graham, a long time friend and talented fellow Triathlete had an idea,to make up a group of people who share the love of the sport and want to achieve,and make it a reality-hence SBR.

I joined the training group as it has the most structured,focused program I've seen and the coaching staff are all absolute achievers in their given sporting codes.

My first goal is Tri Rock Durban in October,leading up to 70.3 IM East London in Jan 2015.

The past two and a half months with SBR have changed so much about me mentally and physically,self belief and enhanced my goals to achieve improved times  and ultimately sub 6hr TriRock and IM 70.3.... 


Katherine Caswell:

I’ve always played sport – Netball, Squash, Basketball, Running etc but after injuring my knee started swimming… with Matt and Gordy.  Having never swum/swam (whose the English teacher?!) at school, I couldn’t believe how much I loved it and when I was able to run again, continued running and swimming and left the team sports.  Last year I trained (by myself) for an Olympic distance Triathlon in the UK and despite being sick for about a month prior to the event managed to complete it no hassle and recover quickly.  The intention was to do Half Ironman 2014 but I missed the cut off and couldn’t even get on the waiting list, so when 2014 came and started to fill I applied and managed to get on the waiting list.  I’ve always wanted to do the Half Ironman and saw various people talking about SBR on Social Media so decided to contact Gordy and find out what was the crack… I’ve been on the programme for 3 weeks now… loving not having to think about what training to do next as I have 3 kids and a full time teaching job.  Also the support from the rest of the team who I hardly know yet.  Looking forward to getting stronger and fitter and completing the journey alongside the rest of the SBR team.  Thanks!


Waldi van Gruenen:

Waking up at 4 in the mornings never really worked out for me! My commitment was nowhere! I started thinking maybe its just not for me so I thought, 'let me find some friends to train with' and so i stumbled accros SBR and instead i found a family to train with! Which ever since my dedication and commitment has improved in all areas of my life :) SBR is a lesson in progress!


Hillary Hack:

I have always wanted to do the Ironman 70.3 but have never had the courage or confidence to try.  Giving up before I have started.  In November 2013 I had a disk replacement/fusion done on my neck (C5) and promised myself that when I was fully recovered I would start my journey to completing the Ironman 70.3.  I realised very early on in my training that although doing a triathlon is an individual sport it is very important to have the support of a team.   SBR provides a high level of support from all aspects including a training programme, coaching and most importantly team support.  The SBR team are a group of highly motivated individuals working together to ensure that each team member meets their personal goal.

I realise that I still have a long way to go to achieve my personal goal but have no doubt that SBR will help me realise my dream.


Tristan Gravett:

My name is Tristan Gravett.  I am 16 years old and am a student at Selborne College.  I enjoy sports such as surfing, fishing and spear fishing. In 2013 I completed the Surfers Marathon.  I recently starting triathlon with my goal to complete an Iron Man event as soon as I am able to. 

I know I still have a long way to go to achieve my personal goal but know that SBR will help me every step of the way.  


Alan Ter Morshuizen:


Every year since the inception of Ironman 70.3 I have spent the whole day down at Orient Beach, watching the participants with great envy, knowing that I have the basic skills, but probably feeling that I have left it too late to take on such a huge challenge. My great friend, Brian Louw, has done every one of these events, despite various huge personal challenges. Then my daughter did it in 2011 in the very respectable time of 6:52! And I was the most frustrated spectator present!


As my running has improved over the past 18 months, so I have had a growing conviction that maybe I could successfully complete an Ironman 70.3. I eventually decided to enter for January 2015, and to train with Brian Louw. Very shortly after that SBR was created, I joined, and now I am part of an amazing Team.


To my utter amazement I swam 1,3km on my very first training session "without dying" ( I last did regular swimming training in 1971! ) and rode 20km on a bicycle ( I last rode any significant distance on a bicycle in 1970! ).


I am improving steadily, and already I know with 100% confidence that with the proper preparation I will complete the 70.3 on the 25th January 2014 with the rest of our Team!


What an awesome privilege to be on this incredible journey … at last! Better late than never!!!


Jodi Townley:

I am 28 year old Attorney who is utterly fanatical about all things equestrian, equestrian and did I say equestrian?  I would seem to be developing an equal level of fanaticism for triathlon however!   Triathlon has always been an interest of mine and an item on my bucket list, but I have always pushed it aside with the thought “that’s a sport for talented and slightly crazy people – I could never manage it”.  Being the farthest thing from naturally athletic, I barely gave it a second thought until I read an article that made me rethink my earlier dismissal and decide to give it a try.  Rather try and fail than fail to try…  Serendipitously, I found out about SBR around the same time and after a few weeks of trying to train alone, I realised that help was needed and I made the decision to join SBR.  And I haven’t looked back!  After a relatively short time, the assistance of our amazing coaches, a brilliant team boss, and of course the fantastic group of members comprising the rest of the team, I am now swimming and cycling distances I would never have thought myself capable of. And the best part is that I am sincerely looking forward to the rest of my journey with this awesome team.